Gobble Gobble Gobble

Let's Talk Turkey


With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I can just taste that yummy pumpkin pie! Mmmm! And I bet you and your family are getting ready for this delicious American tradition as well!


However before you start digging into that Turkey wouldn't you like to know more about this holiday and why we celebrate it? Of course many of you know it was founded by the Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock and the Native Americans, but did you know that the holiday wasn't a national holiday until Abraham Lincoln declared it 1863? Also at the first Thanksgiving there wasn't any pumpkin pie served, instead it was just pumpkins minus the pie. I'm glad that tradition has changed!


Want to learn more about this wonderful holiday? Check out: http://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving-quiz/interactives/thanksgiving-by-the-numbers for a really cool infographic that breaks the holiday down!

Also, try your hand at a Thanksgiving quiz to see just how much you know about it. Check that out here: http://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving-quiz


From all of here at Unique, Happy Thanksgiving
